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Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Apache SSL using OpenSSL

OpenSSL CSR Creation - the fast & easy way!

This is the fastest & easiest way to create your Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Apache or any platform using OpenSSL. Simply fill in the common name that is used to reach your server or enter the URL of the page you want to use SSL with, press return, then paste the customized OpenSSL CSR command into your terminal.


Step 1: Enter the Common Name that is used to reach your server.

The Common Name may be one of the following:

  • A Fully Qualified Domain Name (e.g. "secure.yourdomain.com")
  • A Fully Qualified Domain Name with a wildcard (*) at the start of the domain name (e.g. *.yourdomain.com or *.secure.yourdomain.com).
  • An Internal Server Name (e.g. "intranetserver")
  • A Private IP address (e.g. "")
  • A Public IP address (e.g. "")

Alternative you may also past the URL of the page you want to use SSL with into the field below and our wizard will find the correct common name for you.

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    E-mail support@qualityssl.com

    Phone +45 30 29 19 09

for any technical or installation issues or just for advice on SSL.